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“A House of Prayer”

Join us Wednesdays Anytime Between: 11am-Noon

Please join us Wednesday for a powerful time of experiencing God through prayer!


Come and go as you like.


We would love to have you join us…you would be so blessed!

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New Hope Prayer & Worship Center


    The Tabernacle at New Hope 

    1003 N 18th Street, Centerville, Iowa

Winter Weather Policy:
If school is dismissed early or cancelled due to bad winter weather—the Prayer & Worship Center will not be open. If the temperature or wind chill is in the single digits we will be closed. If it is already snowing, sleeting, or freezing rain we will be closed.


Please call New Hope Ministry if in question: (641) 856-3326

Or email us at

Oct. 31, 2024 marks the 12 Year Anniversary of the New Hope Prayer Center

It was on Oct. 31, 2012 that we turned on the night and day prayer and worship music and the Prayer Center was opened! As of Oct. 31, 2022 it has been going continuously for over 10 years!

What is the Prayer & Worship Center?

Why do we combine Prayer and Worship?

God said in Isaiah 56:7, “…for My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all people.” 


Acts 15:15-17 says: “And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: That the residue (the rest) of men might seek after (search out, investigate, crave, worship) the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom My Name is called, saith the Lord, Who does all these things.” “Upon whom My Name is called” in the Greek means: to entitle; to invoke for aid, worship, decision; appeal to.[i] The root word is: to call aloud; to call forth.[ii] To “invoke” means: to call on for assistance, aid, and protection; as to invoke the Supreme God Most High; to order; to call judicially; as to invoke depositions or evidence into a court.[iii] 




That Scripture was being quoted from Amos 9:11-12: “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by My Name, saith the LORD that does this.” 


So what is “the tabernacle of David” that the Lord is going to raise back up and reestablish in these last days? It’s not the Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple wasn’t built until Solomon was king.


It’s the tabernacle that David set up according to the command of the Lord with the singers and instruments—the continual, day and night, prayer and worship… 


The Tabernacle of David in Scripture: 1 Chronicles 16:1-37 


Davidic Worship wasn’t just something David came up with himself: 2 Chronicles 29:25-36


God’s glory came down upon the Tabernacle: 2 Chronicles 5:11-14; 6:40-41 


Scripture reveals God’s desire for Houses of Prayer: 


  • The fire (which was a symbol of worship) was to be burning upon the altar continually—never going out (Leviticus 6:13).

  • The Singers were to sing day and night (1 Chronicles 9:33; Psalm 100:1-5; Psalm 47).

  • They were to offer praises to God with instruments (1 Chronicles 23:5; 25:6-7; 150:1).

  • Continual Prayer: “And will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them?” (Luke 18:7; Psalm 27:4, 7-8).

  • God asked for watchmen on the walls to put Him in remembrance day and night (Isaiah 62:6-7).


God is restoring this type of Davidic Prayer & Worship in Houses of Prayer all over the earth today. It is a reflection of what is going on around the throne of God in Heaven and what is to come (Revelation 5:8-10). Do you feel a passion burning inside of you for the King, and defending His honor and His Kingdom? It is worship that fuels this fire. The fire must not go out! You must tend the fire on the altar of your heart—that it go not out day or night! The fire must not go out! 


Right now all across the nations of the earth, the Holy Spirit is orchestrating an end time prayer and worship movement, raising up Houses of Prayer, and using them to help transform society. Although many of the expressions and mandates of the various Houses of Prayer are the same, each House of Prayer is unique and has its own mandates and goals, as well as formats and functions. Each House of Prayer has a specific calling from God, which is unique and necessary for building up the Kingdom of God in the area where they are located. It spans across gender and generational lines and is truly for all nations and all peoples. God desires to move in the affairs of men, but wants to do it with the active involvement of His people. 


In this atmosphere of prayer and worship, people experience intimacy with the Lord as well as revelation from Him. God is raising up a global prayer movement, and He desires His Church to function as a House of Prayer to bring in revival and the great harvest. Houses of Prayer and Local Churches need each other to fulfill the great commission, see revival, and prepare for the Lord’s return.


We also want to help worshipers become lovers of God by beholding His glory with a focused gaze. This helps people focus their attention and gaze upon His beauty. As the truths of Who God is are placed before our eyes, our affections are ignited with Biblical passion, from which we get the passion and the power to serve Him (see Isaiah 40:28-31). 


“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power” (Ephesians 1:17-19). 


Introduction to the New Hope Prayer & Worship Center: 


  • Around 1000 BC, God instructed King David to establish night and day worship in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 29:25). He appointed 288 prophetic singers and 4,000 musicians to minister to the Lord as their full-time occupation and set them in courses (see 1 Chron. 15:1-17:27). When we were led by the Lord to establish this Prayer & Worship Center, He gave us the idea of creating an IPOD Playlist as our way of setting the singers and musicians in their courses.

  • There are segments of worship and praise songs during which we hope everyone will come into agreement with the words that are being sung. Be free to sing along, or let your heart echo the words, and be led into meaningful times of focusing on the Lord.

  • There are segments of recorded prayers during which we hope everyone will come into agreement with what is being prayed.

  • There are instrumental segments during which we hope everyone will have a more focused prayer time, whether personal or corporate from the microphone. Anyone who feels led by the Holy Spirit to pray aloud is invited to pray from the microphone. (See Praying/Speaking from Microphone handout.)

  • It is our joy to serve the Body of Christ in this place and we want to work together in the principal of love and endeavor to exercise our Christian freedom in restraint for the good of others. We want to honor the Lord and each other as we worship and pray together.

  • In order to maintain an atmosphere of prayer and worship, please refrain from all conversations in the prayer room. If you would like to have a conversation please go downstairs to the fellowship hall. Please hold any conversations in the foyer to a whisper. 


We have several different prayer focuses that are covered: 


  • Our Communities

  • Our State

  • Our Nation

  • Honoring Life as God Designed

  • Children & Youth

  • The Body of Christ (The Church)

  • Israel

  • 7 Mountains of Society (Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Business, Education, Church, Family).

  • The Nations

  • New Hope Ministry & Counseling Center Staff, Volunteers, and Families


VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for Staffing the Prayer & Worship Center.

If you have any questions about the Prayer & Worship Center, please contact Cindy at or call us at 641-856-3326. 

[i] Strong’s #1941.

[ii] Strong’s #2564.

[iii] Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.


Thank You to Our Community!

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