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I love to rock the grandchildren. When they are small, under 2 maybe, this is possible. Nap time is a great time to cuddle and rock, but can turn into a bit of a competition to see who can stay awake the longest or who goes to sleep first. It can be a challenge to make these little balls of fire sit down, let alone for a little “quiet time” with grandma, but on occasion, if it is their idea, I can sneak in a couple of quick rocks in the old chair. If you are really blessed, there is time for a short, but valuable dialogue. One day, while rocking and talking with my 4 year old grandson, he stroked my hair once and said, “You have a lot of gray hair, Grandma.” Yes, Jason I do; thank you for noticing. I have been around a long time. What a precious child! I guess there aren’t many people in his life that have gray hair, or he was just expressing an observation. I think it was the latter and that was OK.

People who have white hair are old and wise, I thought. Of course, as I approach, or am a part of this group, I’m not so sure. Reality set in and I must ask myself: so if I have white hair, am I wise? For that answer I must look to God’s Word and ask, “Where does wisdom come from,” and “Who am I in Christ”? Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding,” and Job 28:28 says, “And unto man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” Hum, scripture doesn’t say anything about how I should look, the color of my hair or how old I am. God says wisdom comes from reading His word and turning from evil. God gives the wisdom.

I do know this:  I am a Child of the King, I am in Christ, and 1 John 5:20 says, “And we know that the Son of God is come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.” May I suggest that you look into the mirror…How wise are you?

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