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We are appealing to you, as prayer warriors, and asking you to combine your prayers with ACTION! The Word of God tells us that we are to pray for all those in authority. Those of us at New Hope are joining in with something that Aglow International is doing, and asking you to join in with us.

There are those who are unhappy with the election results and are both determined and highly organized in opposing our elected President. Whether you agree with our new Administration or not, we are asking you to lay aside any personal, political views and join together for the good for our nation.

Those currently involved in resisting the new Administration have made a decree for their followers, targeting March 15th as a day to send President Trump a postcard expressing their opposition to him. Their plan is to overwhelm him with pink postcards, symbolic of the pink slip that a person is given when fired, and have them contain hate filled messages.

We have an example in the Bible of Queen Esther, who did something to counter an evil decree, when she wrote a new decree that trumped the one previously written. We are asking you to begin sending in postcards to President Trump that simply say, “I am praying for you.” President Trump said those were the most meaningful words that he heard while on the campaign trail. And with the current atmosphere of chaos and insanity in our nation, we want him to know that there is a worldwide army that is supporting him in prayer. Only God can sway world leader’s hearts in the way they should go. Instead of complaining or criticizing, judging or condemning, what would happen if we all spent that much time praying for President Trump and the rest of our government leaders, regardless of which side of the isle they sit on?

PLEASE share this opportunity with your friends, your family, at your workplace, and with your church. Start now sending your cards of support, but let us all send one on March 14th to counter the other plot meant for evil. The address is:

President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500

Let’s counter the hate with grace and love. Let’s flood Heaven with prayer and the White House with cards for such a time as this!

Together in purpose and unity,

New Hope Ministry & Counseling Center

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