Not Just A Grandma
Written by Janiece Self
I am not just a grandma when I write “A Grandma’s Point of View” article. I am A Child of the King, a woman, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, great aunt, cousin, friend, teacher, student, neighbor, co-worker, employee, acquaintance, familiar face, a new face, a stranger. I was a child, and Lord willing, I will be a great-grandmother some day. I am many things to many people each and every day.
Deuteronomy 11:26-27 says, “Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse a blessing, if ye obey the commandment of the Lord your God which I command you this day.” Am I a blessing to the people I encounter each day? Who and what do people see in me as I go about my day? Who influenced my life to be who I am today as I wear each one of those hats I just mentioned? My Lord Jesus, husband, daughters, son-in-laws, mother, father, grandparents, brother, sister-in-law, SS teachers, friends, a stranger’s smile and my grandchildren all have played a roll.
My father left this world to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in January 2019. He was and still is a very important part of who I am. His commitment to honor the Sabbath and keep it Holy, prayer at meals, God’s love displayed in our family, his love for my mother and his one liners will forever mark the boundaries that I live by. “If everyone else is doing it, you probably shouldn’t” and “If you think you must have something means it’s not good for you.”
My paternal grandparents passed when I was about 10 years old, within a year of each other, but I still feel their prayers for me every day. Psalm 100:5: “For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting and His truth endureth for all generations.”
I am so blessed to have generations of blessings. May I be, as I wear each hat in 2019 and beyond, a blessing to people, especially my grandchildren and each soul to come.