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All the Donated Help and Materials


Updated: Oct 5, 2023

A huge Thank You for all the donated help and items!

It has been a wild past six months around here! Usually, it seems like to most people that God doesn’t move very fast…but that has not been our experience with this expansion and moving all of New Hope into one new location. He has moved SO FAST with everything we could barely keep up. Most of the time it has felt like we were holding on for dear life! Through all of it, His power, and love, and faithfulness, and sovereign hand have been on such evident display. Our hearts have been touched by Him in ways we have never experienced before. And all of the materials items He has provided, have been beautiful examples of how the Lord loves to work through His people to provide for His Kingdom work. So many things have been provided by so many different people…and usually in ways and perfect timing that left us with mouths dropped in awe!

Here’s just one good example: Getting the “PETE HARKNESS” letters down off of the front of the building were on the To Do List, but not as high up on priority as so many of the other things that had to be done before the Thrift Store could open… On the store moving day, we had over 60 people show up (that alone was WOW). The Bridge Church group brought a 26′ truck and First Baptist group brought their enclosed trailer. With the two other trailers and New Hope workers, it was all moved by 10 am! So a group went and got all the rest of the Carquest shelves we really needed. And then one guy who happened to be an electrician said, Hey I’m going to go get my bucket truck and take those Pete Harkness letters down for you if you want… Can u believe it?! I had him leave “ARK” up there for now as people have been calling this the Ark Building and it was conveniently right in the middle! Of the leftovers, we are only missing two letters to be able to spell “NEW HOPE!” So when we are able to get those made, he is going to come back and put them up for us! God just continues to demonstrate His love and faithfulness…

I have to warn you…it’s some wild God stuff… We wanted to share every detail of this amazing adventure with God, because it brings Him so much GLORY…It LIFTS HIM UP…And that’s what we want most—for His Power and His Name to be glorified and displayed to everyone involved, to our community, to our region, and to the world. Through all of this, God challenged and grew our faith AND how much we trust Him… We hope it will also challenge and grow your faith and how much you trust Him.

I gave the entries in updates every day or so to the 6 members of our New Hope Board of Directors, and 13 members of our Advisory Board as it was happening for their advice and decisions. We’ve excitedly been awaiting the time when we could begin sharing it with all of you—everyone and anyone! Because we know how much it will inspire people! Here’s a comment that came back from one of our Advisors that described it in such a great way: “Following this experience is akin to reading a new book, each chapter, an exciting, new twist, hanging on to each word, but confidently knowing how it will end. God is enjoying this and is interested in our individual reactions as these ‘chapters’ unfold!”

You can find New Hope’s 18 year story of how we were founded and the progressions up to this point throughout the pages of our website.

New Building Needs List:

Small Hot Water Heater

Professional Sign for New Hope Ministry

Professional Sign for Hope Chest Thrift Store

2 Lighted letters for front of building to spell New Hope: W and H

40 Padded Straight Back “Church Chairs” – Purple upholstery

Landscaping burlap fabric for divider wall

Silver insulation sheets for Thrift Store walls where new is needed

Help Needed:

Install toilet in store bathroom

Install sink and vanity in store bathroom

Lay Ceramic Tile in store bathroom

Redo insulation of inside wall of store sorting area

Cement fill-in of drainage trough in back shop area

Wire 2 new florescent light fixtures in store

Install washer/dryer for store

Speckle Paint floor in small mechanical room

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For a larger view of the text, follow the link below: 2021 YEAR END REPORT

2021 Fall Newsletter

For a larger view of the text, follow the link below: 2021 Fall Newsletter


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