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2019 Winter “Doorkeepers” Conference

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

You’re invited to a Free Online Conference!!

Details at: would like to tell you about the Winter “Doorkeepers” Conference – January 27-31 – that will be held on-line, so no travel required–and it is no cost! It’s being hosted by New Hope’s long-time friends and our Website designers, Kraig & Anne Elliott. It’s all about protecting the “doors” of your home, and the Sessions sound like they are going to be AWESOME!! New Hope was chosen to be one of their Sponsors, which is no cost to us either…We are providing prayer support, a free E-Booklet Download for all Conference Attendees (called: “Have You Inquired of the Lord?“), and a free book drawing Giveaway (Book 1 of the “Becoming a Warrior of the King” Discipleship Series), plus we help publicize the Conference. So EVERYONE PLEASE HELP US PUBLICIZE THIS BY SENDING IT TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND CONTACTS! In exchange, they promote New Hope to all their Conference Attendees!

Scripture emphasizes the importance for fathers and mothers to “protect the doors” to their homes…(Leviticus 10:10)…As parents, it is our urgent job to help our children learn to think biblically, act righteously, and shine brightly in a sinful world…It’s more than a homeschooling conference…It’s hands-on training to lock out the darkness!

For more information go to:

See Session Schedule and more details at: 

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