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Counselee Testimonials


Through the New Hope program I now know God has so much for me. I just need to listen, obey, and not be swayed by anything. I have put on a new way of thinking, not looking around me, but keeping my eyes on Jesus. I am wanted, loved, called, and anointed for service. Nothing is impossible with God.


New Hope has helped open the eyes of my understanding of the Lord’s Word. These materials helped me know my new friend and old friend, Jesus. I hope New Hope doesn’t ever stop saving people from the evil one.

Shawn & Holly

Before New Hope our personal lives were a mess, our children were suffering, and our marriage was split. New Hope taught us to order our private lives, develop our potential, and to release ability. Together we now serve in ministry, reaching out to people all over.


Through the New Hope program I learned how to battle the thief effectively! They showed me the love of Christ and helped me to be renewed in Christ.


​I praise God that He is using New Hope to help so many who are in need… When I look back and see where I was when I first came and where I am now; I am in awe of how God has done a great work in my life.


When I came to New Hope, I was amazed at the love and support I immediately felt. I was seeking healing and forgiveness from childhood trauma and years of a sinful lifestyle. I felt no judgment from my counselors; only a deep desire to help and a sense of belonging. New Hope has completely transformed my life. I have never been more on fire for God and committed to His Word. I have a sense of peace and joy beyond understanding; even through life's daily trials. I have developed deep relationships with other strong Christian women and have an overwhelming appreciation for them. New Hope has been life changing for me and there are no words to express the depth of my gratitude. I would like to personally thank all the donors that support New Hope. The impact it has made in my life is something I will forever be grateful for. It not only affects me, but my children and the people God places in my life. I wish every single believer would take the time to go through this course. It's the best thing I have ever done for my personal growth. Thank you for helping make it possible!


Through New Hope’s teaching I believe I can overcome any situation or circumstance in my life. I believe I am being made whole through God’s Word. I was taught to speak truth and was truly healed.


When I came to New Hope I was down and had no hope. But I have the Word of God now and New Hope gave me a guide for my life. The time I have spent here I would not give up. I have peace and the Word of God. For me, New Hope gave me peace all the time.


Before New Hope I thought I understood God and His Son. But as I was exposed to New Hope and their program I realized how little I knew. New Hope has shown me, from the Word of God, how to dive deeper, to know Him more and learn how He is molding me each and every day. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to go through the whole program and plan on God using me in His service.  

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